Albania is considered one of the countries with high emigration flows in relation to the resident population. Referring to the phenomenon of brain drain; institutional priorities and research papers are mainly focused on the value of the professional capacities of the diaspora in the context of circular migration or its impact through remittances on the economic development of the country. Meanwhile, the long-term importance of the so-called social or political remittances of emigrants as a driver of democratizing developments in Albanian society and the revitalization of the political system through direct or indirect participation in decision-making has been addressed little or not at all.
Current approaches have produced strategies based on the premise that the engagement and inclusion of the diaspora are necessarily realized only with its physical return or the generation of attractive mechanisms to regain social capital. Meanwhile, the significantly better relationship with the actuality in the country and the visibility of the Albanian diaspora during the pandemic situation, are clear indicators that the geographical proximity and the lack of physical presence do not constitute an obstacle to the involvement of the Albanian diaspora in political developments and its influence on the opinion public.
This comprehensive paper delves into the critical issue of diaspora voting rights, particularly within the context of Albania’s European Union (EU) accession aspirations. The Albanian diaspora, dispersed across diverse international settings, presents varying levels of engagement with their homeland’s political landscape. This policy paper provides valuable insights into the multifaceted discourse surrounding diaspora voting rights, underscoring the importance of a balanced approach that upholds democratic principles and meaningful participation for all citizens. Albania’s journey towards European integration hinges on implementing out-of-country voting and actively involving the Albanian Diaspora in the nation’s political processes.
The paper concludes with concrete recommendations to policy-making actors, civil society, and the international factor in Albania to improve their relationship with the diaspora as an interest group and take into consideration its evidence-based expertise in the development of sustainable policies.
The full report in English:
ISP – Understanding the Significance of the Diaspora’s Vote in Albania (full version) FINAL
Dokumenti është pjesë e angazhimit të Institutit të Studimeve Politike (ISP) në kuadër të projektit “Përmirësimi i Debatit mbi Politikat dhe Llogaridhënien në përmbushje të kritereve të Grupit të Parë të Kapitujve Negociues”. Projekti mbështetet nga Ambasada e Mbretërisë së Vendeve të Ulta në Tiranë dhe po jetësohet nga një grupim organizatash ku bën pjesë ISP, nën drejtimin e Qendrës për Studimin e Demokracisë dhe Qeverisjes (CSDG), në partneritet me Komiteti Shqiptar i Helsinkit dhe Instituti i Shkencës. Objektivi i projektit është të mbështesë negociatat e pranimit të Shqipërisë në BE lidhur me Grupin e Parë të Kapitujve Negociues (Cluster 1), përmes përmirësimit të debatit të politikave, forcimit të llogaridhënies dhe rolit të OSHC-ve në proces.