On September 17, 2020 the Aspen Institute Germany host an online discussion on “Albania’s EU Integration: A Reform Laden Path”. Lutfi Dervishi, Member of the Board, Institute for Political Studies (ISP), Christiane Hullmann, Head of Division 209 Western Balkans, German Federal Foreign Office, Afrim Krasniqi, Executive Director, Institute for Political Studies (ISP), and Christian Schmidt, Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Minister (ret.), will discuss the opening of EU accession negotiations with Albania and the related conditions of the European Council. Albania is urged to make further progress on electoral and judicial reforms and in the fight against organized crime and corruption. Therefore, the online discussion will focus on the following questions: How will the reform processes in Albania continue? How is the implementation of the judicial reform progressing? What is the situation with the electoral reform? When will the government be able to start accession negotiations and how quickly will the country be able to advance? How will the country overcome the COVID-19 pandemic and what impact does the pandemic have on the internal situation? What will all of this mean for the parliamentary elections next year?
The virtual discussion is part of the Aspen Berlin Policy Hub for think tanks from the Western Balkans.