Title: Database: The Local Government in Albania
Dedicated to: History of the local government in 100 years of the Albanian State
Implementation period: September – December 2014
Funded: ASCS
Location: Tirana
Description: The project “Constructing a database on local government in Albania. The History, legislation and the democratic civic education.” Is an initiative undertaken and conducted by the Institute of Political Studies and supported by the Agency for the Promotion of Civil society.
The goal of the project is to inform and involve the public IN local issues and promote accountability from elected actors and local government in decision-making. The purpose of the program was to directly respond to the call of ASCS for the good governance, but that of the local government, communication and the civic education and their involvement in decision making.
Impact: The project aims to include and enhance the role of civil society and media in local governance issues. The Database can be easily found by clicking the link