Title: Police Station in the School
Dedicated to: Policing in the community focusing on the youth
Implementation Period: March – June 2014
Funded: SACP, the Swedish Embassy
Location: Tirana (The high school “Ismail Qemali”, the primary school “1 Maji”)
Description: The Initiative “the Police Station in the School” aimed at creating new partnership bridges between the Youth and the Albanian State Police. The project consisted creating special structures within the school which were called “School commissioners” who were students who undertook to denounce all acts of violence and threats that could threaten the safety of the school. Therefore they were trained and educated by experts of the field.
Impact: Near the location of the two schools involved in the project special structures consisting of students and policemen were created, which later helped to identify concrete cases of aggressive behavior and denounced cases of illicit weapon possessions and violent behavior in these schools. The success of the campaign was reflected with more than 3000 likes in the social network page https://www.facebook.com/Policia-Miku-Juaj site.