Title: The Territorial Reform: Public perception on the new municipality of Durres
Dedicated to: the new territorial division and local elections in 2015
Implementation Period: May 2015
Funded: AMU
Location: The New City of Durres
Description: The Institute of Political Studies conducted a scientific research project on the perceptions of the citizens on the new municipality of Durres before the elections and the new territorial – administrative division. This study was conducted in collaboration with the Department of Political Science of the University “Aleksander Moisiu”.
During the presentation representatives of the electoral staff of the main political parties in the country that compete for the municipality of Durres and students of political science and law attended.
Impact: This study can assists every person which will run for the municipality as well as the electoral staff to set up and implement the program of the campaign as well as the actors that in charge for the implementation of the territorial reform to adapt as well as possible to the interests and needs of the citizens.