Title: National Dialog about the past, “Let’s start talking”
Dedicated to: The communist past in Albania
Implementation Period: October 2015
Funded: OSCE and the German Embassy in Tirana
Location: Vlora
Description: The presence of the OSCE and the German Embassy in Tirana, gave their support for the Institute of Political Studies and its online project the “Museum of Memories” for promoting the national dialogue on the Albania’s past. In a meeting with high school students of Vlora ISP made an exhibition and presented a catalogue about the ‘Museum of Memories” encouraging the youngsters to talk, to learn and to reflect about Albania’s communist past.
Impact: Young people were inspired by survival stories brought in the form of a documentary and crimes of communism in Albania through brochures distributed by the staff of ISP. The exhibition was visited by all the high school students where the activity took
place where they shared thoughts and discussed about the past.