Improved Policy Debate and Accountability to Delivering on Fundamentals First, through the Establishment of Cluster One EU Negotiations Platform-Albania (C1-EU-NPA)”
Period: July 2021- December 2023
Supported by: Kingdom of Netherlands (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Partnership: Centre for Studies of Democracy and Governance (CSDG), Institute for Political Studies (ISP), Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), and the Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC)
Objective: Support Albania’s EU accession negotiations related to cluster one chapter (fundamentals first) through improved policy debate and strengthened accountability and CSOS’s role in the process.
- Support the public institutions engaged in the Cluster One EU negotiations through the provision of policy expertise
- Strengthen accountability and responsiveness of the public institutions engaged in the EU negotiation process to deliver on the fundamentals first and the overall pace of
- Strengthen knowledge and involvement of the professional community, relevant stakeholders and the public on processes and outcomes pertaining to Cluster One EU
- Strengthen the overall role and visibility of Albanian CSOs in EU negotiation