
✅ Monitoring and calling for the necessary and timely electoral process elements to be in place and aiming at identifying pitfalls of the electors system for 2021, and recording need for future changes.

✅ The new rules and procedures and the actions undertaken for conducting the upcoming parliamentary election by the CEC bodies are monitored.

✅ Monitor the adjudications of the Complaints and Sanctions Commission (CSC) related to the complains of the electoral subject

✅ The implementation of the gender quota in all stages of the electoral process is monitored

Me urdheri te Kryetarit te Bashkise Tirane Nr. 31584 date 18.09.2020, detyra  e pergatitjes se listave te zgjedhesve, caktimit te Zonave dhe vendndodhjeve te Qendrave te Votimit ju eshte deleguar Administratoreve te 24 Njesive Administrative te Qarkut Tirane.

Urdher nr. 31584 date 18.09.2020

Te dhenat per ambjentet e QV ne 24 Njesite Administrative dhe 3 Lagjet e Bashkise Tirane, per zgjedhjet per Kuvendin e Shqiperise

Formulari Nr 1 QV Shkurt 2021

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