Institute for Political Studies (IPS) has signed an Agreement of Cooperation with the the Balkan History Association (BHA).
BHA is a non-profit, apolitical, and independent organization that aims to develop and promote at both national and international levels the interdisciplinary and comparative study of the Balkan region, and, more generally, of South-East Europe. Main fields of interest include, but are not restricted to various sub-disciplines of history—political, cultural, military, economic, urban, literary, oral, or the history of science communication—art history, history of religions and archaeology.
The objectives of the association are to facilitate the formation of a community of scholars specialized in the study of the region, as well as to engage in the formation and professional development of their younger peers.
BHA’s audience is composed of researchers, professionals and academics from a secondary and tertiary education background, students at any level of the university trajectory (BA, MA, PhD), high-school and college students, in addition to anyone interested in the study of the art, history, or archaeology of the Balkans.
Our activities include the organization of both academic events—conferences and lecture series—and social meetings, the latter targeting a non-specialized, general audience. The information related to these, as well as any research output generated on these occasions are advertised and published primarily through our website, and the associated Hiperboreea journal.
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